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Samstag, 24. Oktober 2020 - 15:24

The IDF must come clean about the Hebron shooting - Why is the Israeli army refusing to release its footage from the shooting of 18-year-old Hadeel al-Hashlamon? - Noam Rotem - The IDF Spokesperson says that the metal detector at the urban checkpoint beeped when she passed through it, and that she ignored orders to stop from the soldiers, who the shot her. It was then discovered that she had a knife, and when she still didn’t stop they shot her some more.

Witnesses told various reporters that Hashlamon simply didn’t understand the orders being shouted at her >>>



Amnesty International: "Killing Of Hashlamoun Was Extrajudicial Execution" - Amnesty International has reported that it obtained evidence indicating that the killing of Hadeel al-Hashlamoun, 18 years of age, by Israeli soldiers in the southern West Bank city of Hebron on September 22, 2015, was an extrajudicial

Al-Hashlamoun was shot dead at a checkpoint in Hebron city; pictures of the circumstances that led to her fatal shooting, in addition to eyewitness account collected by Amnesty show that the young woman posed no threat to the soldiers, who had no legal justification to use deadly force.

"The killing is the latest in a long time of unlawful killings carries out by the Israeli forces in the West Bank, with near total impunity," Amnesty said.  Amnesty said the young woman posed no threat to the lives of the soldiers, and that the army had no justification for the use of lethal force, especially since she froze when the soldiers pointed their guns at her. >>>


Dokumentation - Die Ermordung von Hadeel al-Hashlamoun >>>

In der letzten Nacht - 26. 9. 2015 - ist Dr. Peter Strutynski nach langer, schwerer Krankheit im Alter von 70 Jahren verstorben.


Mit ihm verliert die deutsche Friedensbewegung einen der profiliertesten Köpfe. Peter Strutynski hat es wie kein anderer vermocht, einen Brückenschlag herzustellen zwischen Friedensforschung und wissenschaftlicher Analyse einerseits und einem aktionsorientierten Herangehen zum Kampf für Frieden und Abrüstung andererseits.

Sein Name steht für die Tradition des jährlichen Friedenspolitischen Ratschlages in Kassel, der seit 1994 jährlich stattfindet und von ihm maßgeblich geprägt wurde. Der letzte Friedenspolitische Ratschlag in 2014 fand bereits ohne ihn statt. Zwischenzeitlich schien Peter Strutynski auf dem Weg der Genesung und mit neuem Tatendrang. Die Wiederaufnahme seiner Lehrtätigkeit an der Uni Kassel war ebenso fest eingeplant wie die organisatorische Betreuung des nächsten Ratschlages.

Im politischen Leben hat er sich einer Aufgabe gewidmet, wo mehr Rückschläge als Erfolge zu verzeichnen war. Peter Strutynski hat auf diesem Gebiet immer gekämpft und sich in der Friedensbewegung damit hohe Anerkennung und bleibende Verdienste erworben. In seinem letzten, persönlichen Kampf haben die Zwischenerfolge jedoch nicht ausgereicht.

Pressemitteilung vom 27.9.2015 - Bundesweiter Friedensratschlag

Streik an christlichen Schulen in Israel beendet - Staat sichert höhere Zuschüsse für Schulen zu - Jerusalem – Nach rund einem Monat haben die christlichen Schulen in Israel ihren Streik beendet und eine vorläufige Einigung mit dem Staat erzielt. Die Vereinbarung umfasst unter anderem die Zahlung von umgerechnet rund 12,3 Millionen Euro an die Schulen für das Schuljahr 2015/2016, wie das Sekretariat der christlichen Schulen in Israel am Sonntag bekanntgab. Auch solle das Schulgeld um 25 Prozent verringert werden. Lehrer sollten in Fortbildungsprogramme des Staates aufgenommen werden. >>>

VIDEO  - "Frühstück mit der Drohne" - Atef Abu Saifs literarisches Tagebuch des Gaza-Krieges | Video verfügbar bis 27.03.2016

Zerbombte Häuser, riesige Trümmerberge, Schutt und Ruinen: der Schrecken und das Ausmaß der Zerstörung im Gazastreifen sind unvorstellbar. Rund eine halbe Million Menschen mussten alleine im vergangenen Sommer aus ihren Häusern fliehen, als Anfang Juli ein 50 Tage langer Kampf zwischen Israel und der radikalislamischen Hamas aufflammte. 2000 Opfer, darunter 551 Kinder, forderte der dritte Krieg innerhalb von sechs Jahren.

Schreiben um zu Überleben
- Persönliche Schicksale, die in den Nachrichten zu bloßen Zahlen und Schlagzeilen wie dieser werden: 50 Menschen in Gaza getötet. "Doch dahinter stehen 50 Geschichten, 50 Leben, 50 Romane und Tausende von vergessenen Minuten, über die niemand spricht", sagt der palästinensische Journalist und Schriftsteller Atef Abu Saif. Er selbst wollte weder eine Nummer noch eine Schlagzeile sein und fing an zu schreiben. "Ich schrieb, um mich selbst zu vergewissern, dass ich noch lebe", erzählt er im Gespräch mit ttt.

In seinem Buch "Frühstück mit der Drohne" schildert der 1973 in einem Flüchtlingslager in Jabalia im Gazastreifen geboren Autor jene Kriegstage im  >>>

Hunger striking prisoner Nidal Abu Aker now refuses to drink water. - Palestinian journalist Nidal Abu Aker, held in administrative detention in Israeli jails without charge or trial and on hunger strike for 39 days, is refusing to drink water in protest of his continued solitary confinement in the Israeli criminal prisoners' section of Asqelan prison, reported Palestinian lawyer Karim Ajwa on 25 September.

Abu Aker, the host of a radio program that deals with prisoners affairs on Voice of Unity radio station broadcast from Dheisheh refugee camp near Bethlehem, is on strike with 15 other Palestinian political prisoners in “The Battle of Breaking the Chains,” which he, Shadi Ma’ali, Ghassan Zawahreh, Munir Abu Sharar and Badr al-Ruzza launched on 20 August. The strike is demanding the end of administrative detention, the Israeli practice – continued from a British colonial law – of imprisoning Palestinians without charge or trial for indefinitely renewable periods on secret evidence, and the freedom of all administrative detainees.

This comes as the Handala Center for Prisoners and Released Prisoners stated that the Israeli Prison Services management has decided to transfer the striking administrative detainees to Soroka Hospital early next week as a result of the poor health conditions of the strikers. This comes after stated refusals to several Palestinian hunger strikers, including Badr al-Ruzza and Suleiman Skafi, participating in the "Battle of Breaking the Chains" demanding the end of administrative detention, that they would not be moved to a hospital. >>>

After 23 years, Palestinians call Oslo Accords ‘a mistake’ . - Aness Suheil Barghoti - Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin [pictured] agreed on the Oslo Accords, with US help

Twenty-three years after the famous handshake between Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Israeli premier Yitzhak Rabin, some Palestinians now say that the Oslo Accords – which opened relations between the two sides – was a major mistake.

Signed on Sept. 13, 1993, the Oslo Accords were the first direct agreement between Arafat’s Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) and the Israeli government.

With the signing of the accords, the PLO acknowledged the state of Israel on 78 percent of historical Palestine, while Israel recognised the PLO as the “legitimate representative” of the Palestinian people.

Abd al-Sattar Qasm, a political science professor at Al-Najah University, however, believes the accords were a “historical mistake”.

“Through Oslo, the Palestinians recognized Israel, and, in return, Israel acknowledged a Palestinian interim self-governing authority – not a state,” Qasm told Anadolu Agency.

“The accords left us with no sovereignty over our land, borders, water, communications or airspace,” he said. “We remain prisoners living in isolated cantons.” >>>

Senior Israeli archaeologist casts doubt on Jewish heritage of Jerusalem . - Middle East Monitor - A senior archaeologist at Tel Aviv University has cast doubt on the alleged Jewish heritage of Jerusalem. Israel Finkelstein`s claims have been made in the face of official Israeli and biblical claims. >>>

New Report Documents How Israel Keeps Palestinians off Third of West Bank Land  - Around a third of the entire West Bank is closed to Palestinians as Israeli military zones, according to a new report.

“Walled Garden – Declaration of Closed Areas in the West Bank” is published by Israeli non-profit NGO Kerem Navot, and authored by long-time activist and settlements monitor Dror Etkes.

The report, now available here on Middle East Monitor, reveals the ways in which the Israeli authorities have designated more than 1.7 million dunams as closed military zones.

Although Israel’s policies are carried out in the name of ‘security’, the land closure mechanisms are being used to advance the colonisation of the West Bank. For example, 78 percent of the land closed for military manoeuvres is not being used for that purpose.

Furthermore, the Israeli military has declared all the settlement jurisdictions to be military zones closed to Palestinians, an area of around 540,000 dunams, or 9.7 percent of the West Bank. - Read the full detailed report here >>>

No Morality in Zionism – On the ‘Independence’ of Settler Minorities - Jeremy Salt - In the Middle East and Africa there are two striking parallels to the Palestinian experience. The first is Algeria, where invasion and occupation began in 1830 and did not end until 1962. Until the implantation of the Zionist state in Palestine, Algeria was the worst example of colonialism in the late imperial world, but while the French took the land, introduced a racist two-tier legal system and eventually resettled large numbers of ‘rebellious’ Algerians, they did not drive them out of their own country.

Just as the First World War brought about the collapse of three empires (Ottoman, Russian and Austro-Hungarian), so the Second World War foreshadowed the end of two more. Bankrupted by the war, Britain could no longer afford to run an empire. It retreated from Palestine and the Indian subcontinent before Suez finally shattered imperial delusions in 1956. France was in no better shape. Its defeat at the hands of a Vietnamese guerilla army at Dien Bien Phu in 1954 encouraged liberation movements around the world. Meanwhile, a savage war fought between French troops and the National Liberation Front in Algeria was reaching its peak. At great personal risk to himself, Charles de Gaulle acknowledged that the game was up by announcing >>>

A Play Date at Al-Aqsa - Sayed Kashua - And now they want to take Al-Aqsa away from the children of the eastern part of the city, too? And people ask what’s behind it? I will not talk about Al-Aqsa in any religious sense; call it the Temple Mount, or whatever you want. I will talk about it as the only place where the children of the Old City and the adjacent neighborhoods have to play. The only venue for which a play date can be set. I will talk about it as a garden, as the only place in the Old City that is not choked with buildings, dirt and the distress of everyday life. I used to walk a great deal in the plaza outside the mosque there when I lived in Jerusalem. I never prayed there. I also took my kids there, until they started to ask my daughter to cover her head. Many children go there, because they have nowhere else to go to. It’s a beautiful, magical plaza, far from the overcrowding and duress that lurk behind every Arab door in the Old City. Every child knows that it’s the loveliest place in the Arab part of the city. That you can play there, dream and imagine a different reality there – one with a bit of hope. And even though Israeli police are present at the entrances, the compound is free of direct Israeli rule. But now you won’t even leave that small area to the Arab children, whether in the name of the Temple or in the name of Israeli sovereignty, freedom of worship, archaeology and Israeli security? >>>

VIEW! Israeli occupation captured  >>>



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Israel ist schuld an unserer Armut»

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Palestinian Dies from Injuries Caused by Israeli Fire

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