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 From: "Angelika Schneider" <anka.sch(at)gmx.net To: <Brief-aus-Israel(at)yahoogroups.de Subject: [Brief-aus-Israel] Aktuelles aus den besetzten Gebieten  


Brief aus Israel 24.12.05

Liebe FreundInnen,


Am 15. Dezember hat die Provinzialregierung von der Provinz Sor-Trondelag in Norwegen mit einer deutlichen Mehrheit ein Gesetz abgesegnet, das den Verkauf von Produkte aus Israel in der Provinz verbietet. Sogar die Christdemokratische Partei, deren Anführer eine deutliche Position gegen Palästinenser, Araber und Muslime eingenommen hat, hat für das Gesetzt gestimmt. Das Provinzparlement von Sor-Trondelag war auch das erste, das in Norwegen den Apartheidstaat in Südafrika boykottiert hat

In Deutschland wird leider zuoft die Erinnerung an "Kauf nicht beim Juden" beschworen, sobald das Wort Boykott erwähnt wird. Aber kein Leid, und sei es noch so furchtbar, rechtfertigt die Unterdrückung von völlig unbeteiligter Dritter, und die gegenwärtige Palästinapolitike der israelischen Regierung schadet auch deutlich dem Staat Israel, so kann ein Druckmittel in Richtung Frieden beiden Teilen nutzen. Keiner in Israel glaubt daran, dass ein Frieden zustande kommen wird ohne Druck von außen und da sind gerade wir Deutsche auch in der Pflicht.


Die ISM plant eine Aktion gegen die Politik Israels, Friedens - und MenschenrechtsaktivistInnen aus dem Land raus zu halten. Sie weist darauf hin, dass bereits hunderten von Internationalen die Einreise verwehrt worden ist, und dass diejenigen, die ins Land durften, immer andere Gründe für die Reise angegeben haben. Diese Politik soll nun öffentlich in den Medien kritisiert werden, mit der Unterstützung von möglichst vielen Gruppierungen in Israel.


Zum zweiten mal hat in Nazareth vom 15.-18. Dez eine Konferenz zum Recht auf Rückkehr für palästinesische Flüchtlinge und einen gerechten Frieden. Hunderte von PalästinenserInnen und Juden/Jüdinnen. Parallel fanden in mehreren europäischen und arabischen Ländern und in der USA Konferenzen zum gleichen Thema statt, um das Recht auf Rückkehr gemäß der UN Resolution 194 wieder deutlich in der internationalen Öffentlichkeit zu thematisieren.


Die EU hat beschlossen, einen Bericht über die Auswirkungen der israelischen Politik auf die nicht-jüdischen BewohnerInnen von Ostjerusalem, nicht zu veröffentlichen. Dies ist, wie auch die Weigerung, Druck auf Israel auszuüben um das Urteil des internationalen Gerichtshof gegen die Mauer durchzusetzen, eine direkte Unterstützung der menschenverachtenden israelischen Politik in den besetzten Gebieten. Der volle Wortlaut des Berichtes ist auf einer Reihe von Webseiten veröffentlicht, darunter auf www.badil.org/eu-response.htm .


Eine Gruppe von radikalen SiedleraktivistInnen - unter ihnen einige, die von der Armee von Gush Katif in Gaza entfernt wurden, obwohl sie dort überhaupt nicht wohnten - planen den Bau von 15 neuen "illegalen" (natürlich sind alle Siedlungen nach internationalem Recht illegal) Siedleraußenposten. Dorothy charakterisiert diese Siedler als brutale Typen, die in jedem zivilisierten Land im Gefängnis wären. Sie fällen Bäume, werfen Steine in palästinensischen Häuser, dringen nachts in Dörfer ein mit gefährlichen Hunden u.v.a.m inklusive Mord. Sie sind Sharons "wahre Einsatztruppe".


Die BewohnerInnen des palästinensischen Dorfes Deir Istiya haben beschlossen, eigenhändig eine Straßensperre zu entfernen, die sie gezwungen hatte, nur zu Fuß oder über einen langen und schwer befahrbaren Umweg das Dorf zu verlassen. Außerdem schneidet die Straßensperre 5 Familien vom Rest des Dorfes ab. Die BewohnerInnen haben für den 21. Dezember Israelis und Internationale aufgerufen, sie zu unterstützen bei der Entfernung der Straßensperre.


Ein Tagebuch von CPT Aktivitäten in Hebron gibt ein umfangreiches Bild der Situation dort und der Hilfsmöglichkeiten der Organisation. Da es um die alltäglichen, ähnlichen Einsätze geht, die erst in ihrem Gesamtumfang die Situation der PalästinenserInnen dort veranschaulichen, hänge ich den gesamten, ziemlich langen Bericht in Englisch an. Schwer zu lesen ist er nicht.


Morgen folgen noch ein paar Berichte über die jüngsten Aktionen gegen die Mauer, die eine bewundernswerte Zähigkeit gekoppelt mit Phantasie aufweisen.






4.  Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2005 21:12:22 +0200

From: CPTHebron <cptheb@palnet.com>

Subject: [cpthebron] Hebron Update:  9 - 15 December 2005

Hebron Update


9 - 15 December 2005


Team members during the period were David Corcoran, Art Gish, John Lynes,

Rich Meyer and Kathie Uhler.


Ongoing activities


During the week all members took part in daily school patrols, but our

thoughts and prayers were especially with our friends in Iraq.  May God be

with them.


Friday 9 December


At 1pm Rich Meyer observed two settler boys throwing tiles from a low flat

roof behind Beit Hadassah down on Palestinians (and Meyer) in old Shalala

Street.  Meyer called the police and TIPH (the Temporary International

Presence in Hebron, an official body of observers).


Saturday 10 December (International Human Rights Day)


At 6:45 a.m. John Lynes, en route to school patrol, saw Israeli soldiers

entering the Mayela home behind the CPT apartment across the rooftops.

Others heard and saw nothing from there, but at 8:45 a young neighbor boy

came to tell us that the soldiers were still in their house.  Kristin

Anderson and Diane Janzen, from the At-Tuwani team, went to the home and

found six Israeli soldiers laying around in the center room, with the family

confined to one bedroom.  Janzen began videotaping, and in four minutes the

soldiers left.


David Corcoran and Kathie Uhler began school patrol at the Ibrahimi Boys'

School/Yatta Road checkpoint at 7:10 a.m.  Israeli soldiers would not let

the girls through the barrier, as they did on Thursday. One girl, about

13-years-old, unlatched the razor wire and let herself through when soldiers

were otherwise engaged. They did not stop her when they saw her. A female

teacher tried to talk the soldiers into letting them through, to no avail.


Five press photographers arrived.  One of the photographers told Uhler that

a soldier had used "bad language" at them, and had also called some of the

children "sons of bitches". The photographers called the officer who came

and reprimanded the soldiers.


Then suddenly at 7:45, probably at the officer's order, and after a female

teacher had asked for the metal detector to be turned off, all the students

passed through the cabin.


Passing by the Gutnick Center checkpoint, Corcoran and Uhler joined Lynes

waiting for four Palestinian men to get their IDs checked. They had been

waiting almost a half hour. Lynes summoned TIPH, and he continued to wait

with the detainees while Corcoran and Uhler went on to the CPT apartment.


Sunday 11 December


School patrol at the Ibrahimi Boys' School/Yatta Road checkpoint went

smoothly today. Lynes and Uhler witnessed soldiers letting the girls and

some boys through the wire at the barriers, by-passing the cabin altogether.

The remaining boys went through either side of the metal detectors in the

cabin. One boy reminded a reluctant soldier that the officer had let the

girls through the barrier yesterday. Maybe this helped loosen things up.


At 6:30 p.m. six Israeli soldiers searched the CPT apartment.  One soldier

referred to the fact that CPTers had "disturbed" them at the neighbors' home

yesterday.  At 7:00, two TIPH observers came to take  testimony about the

home invasion.  They said TIPH observers would return tomorrow to take

testimony from the neighbors.


Monday 12 December


Meyer and Lynes did school patrol.  Israeli soldiers had invaded the home

above the cafe at Haret e-Qazazeen, and tied an Israeli flag to the awning

next to Jamal's shop.  Meyer stayed, Anderson and Janzen came and tried to

film the soldiers in the house, but they kept the door barred. The soldiers

left after an hour.


Meanwhile, at the Ibrahimi checkpoint cabin, children succeeded in unhooking

the end of the razor wire several times, and dashing to school past the

Israeli soldiers.  The remaining children dispersed before 8:00 a.m.


Lynes, Uhler and a translator went to check out and document blockage of

windows and doors on Palestinian homes along Worshippers' Way, as reported

to CPT  by the Hebron Rehabilitation Committee. After talking with the

Arab-Israeli contractor on the scene, the translator was concerned that the

blockages might be to keep Palestinians from disturbing Israeli settlers who

might move into the vacant Palestinian homes. She then took the CPTers on a

tour of the Palestinian homes further behind the row of homes along

Worshippers' Way.  These homes are being rehabilitated, and a mosque will be

ready for use in 8 months.


Tuesday  13 December


Corcoran, Gish, Meyer and Uhler did school patrol.  About 25 children,

mostly girls, waited, and were let through the cabin.


Lynes, Uhler and a translator paid a CSD (Campaign for Secure Dwellings)

visit to a Palestinian family now living in Abu Sneineh. The family is

living in the maternal grandmother's apartment while rebuilding in Al Sendas

near their demolished home. They said over half of the cost of the new home

so far has been covered by donations from Hebronites. The interior still

needs to be finished


Lynes returned to Worshippers' Way, and photographed freshly blocked



At 5:00 p.m. Israeli soldiers again conducted a house invasion of the CPT

apartment.  Corcoran was the only CPT person present.  The soldiers produced

no search warrant and despite demands that they leave their guns outside,

they forced their way in and searched all the floors of the apartment.

Corcoran called the police who said they could do nothing about it.


Wednesday 14 December


School patrol was quiet on the whole.  A Palestinian threw a stone at the

soldiers, who promptly gave chase.  One soldier had a vigorous argument, in

French, with one of the TIPH women, accusing TIPH of encouraging Palestinian

children to misbehave.  The children dispersed at about 8:00 a.m.


Lynes again photographed windows being blocked along Worshippers' Way, to

the annoyance of the Israeli contractor.


Corcoran and Uhler met with the head of the Hebron Community Mental Health

Program. They discussed common objectives of CPT and his organization, with

a view to a meeting in Idna between CPT and the Idna Charitable Society. The

theme of the meeting would be: "How can people in Idna, confronted with the

Wall, promote personal integrity and enhance nonviolent coping mechanisms?"


Israeli soldiers again invaded the CPT apartment at 5:00 p.m. for a third

time in four days.  Corcoran, Gish, Lynes and Uhler were present.   After

being asked not to bring their guns into this House of Peace, and unable or

unwilling to produce a written search warrant, they forced their way into

the apartment carrying their guns and calling CPT an illegal organization.

After about 10 minutes they left, observed by 3 members of TIPH who had

followed the soldiers to the CPT Apartment.


Thursday 15 Decembe


Uhler patrolled at the Ibrahimi Boys School/Yatta Road checkpoint. A soldier

greeted her, "Kathie!"  Later he told her his name.   She asked, "Why not

let the girls through the razor wire and barrier like last week?" He

replied, "Not me last week." Uhler was pretty sure he was on duty last week.

He then said, "You see that girl? She is the ring leader. She is a future

Osama Bin Laden." To which Uhler replied, "If you let her and the girls

through, she wouldn't become that." He then said, "I am only doing my job."


One side of the metal detector booth was turned off. Still, no girls or

women teachers went through it, opting to walk around the long way to

school. The boys went through both sides of the booth metal detectors.


Four media volunteers, one Italian, one German, two US, came around 8:00

a.m. from Alternative Information Center. They interviewed Uhler and Art

Gish about the work of CPT (Gish had just finished patrol at Shuhada



Corcoran and Lynes walked along Worshippers' Way, photographing blocked

windows, and also windows which may be earmarked for blocking.


The team hosted an international group of rabbinical students who were

touring Hebron to become acquainted with Palestinians and understand the

Palestinian perspective.  The visit included prayers for the release of all

captives, prayers for rain, and prayers for peace and reconciliation.  The

meeting included Muslims, Christians, and Jews.



Christian Peacemaker Teams is an ecumenical initiative to support violence

reduction efforts around the world.  To learn more about CPT's peacemaking

work, please visit our website at:  http://www.cpt.org.

Photos of our projects may be viewed at:  http://www.cpt.org/gallery


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